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Ballari girl bags 3 Gold medals, forced to stop studies due to poverty

J V Akshatha, a BA student from a remote village in Harapanahalli taluk of Ballari district, bagged three gold medals. Daughter of private bus driver Venkatesh and Anganwadi teacher Vijayalakshmi, Akshatha wants to be a KAS officer.

When Akshatha received three gold medals for scoring highest marks in BA at the Davangere University’s seventh annual convocation on Wednesday, her emotions were mixed with happiness and sorrow.

On one hand, she was on happy that her hard work produced good results, and on the other, she was disappointed that she will be unable to carry on her studies due to poverty. Akshatha is the eldest among her 3 sisters.

“My father is the only breadwinner in the family. He has to bear the academic expenses of my three younger sisters who are still studying. So, I have decided to end my studies, and focus on getting a job which would contribute to my family’s income,” Said Akshatha.

At present, she is attending coaching classes in Vijayapura for KAS examinations.

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