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Abhaya Foundation- Serving Souls

A Non-Governmental Organization founded by Mr. Ramakrishna Reniguntla, who is a Freelancer, Businessman, and a Distributor, who had worked previously for many NGOs, has now taken up individual ownership and decided to establish an NGO based in Ballari District of Karnataka State which started off servicing as Abhaya Foundation since July 17, 2020, and was officially registered as an NGO on August 31, 2020. Since then they’ve been closely working with the district administration in all the COVID activities and have been the front-line COVID warriors.

The idea of establishing an NGO in the early days came up with the main motive of Youth and Women empowerment and the team of 54 volunteers and freelancers have specifically been focusing on the issues pertaining to it. But due to the seamless outbreak of the virus across the country, their working concentration has been to focus on helping the needy and will focus mainly on empowerment will be resumed once the COVID numbers are under control.

It was on March 20, 2020, when Mr. Ramakrishna Reniguntla for the first time started the noble work of serving food to COVID-19 patients in the district hospitals of Ballari. In between the months of March and April, Abhaya Foundation has served breakfast, lunch, and dinner to the diseased COVID patients. In the months of April and May, they have delivered ration kits to the needy people out there, with the aid of District administration and the Red Cross Organization.

Mr. Reniguntla has been designated as the President of the Abhaya Foundation as well as Ballari Taluk’s coordinator for COVID-19 and has been appointed so by the Bengaluru’s DIPR (Department of Information and Public Relations) office and is a Red Cross Organization member. This remarkable work of commend has been happening ever since then.

The District administration has persistently been supportive of the NGO. The administration however was providing the patients with all the important amenities like Medicine, Beds, and Oxygen support. The Abhaya Foundation has been providing other snack requirements of the patients like Tea, Coffee, Biscuits, and other items.

Initially, this NGO started providing bowls of fresh-cut fruits, each weighing around 250g, to over 600 patients in 5 different district hospitals, and this used to happen within a time span of 1 hour ( 4:30-5:30 PM ) as the fruits had to be served fresh enough and it was made sure by the district administration that, whatever was served to the patients was salubrious and salutary enough for the COVID patients to consume and also the supply of these food packets was also taken care by the district administration.

The Team of Abhaya Foundation has been constantly providing daily services to the patients in the hospital which includes hot drinks like tea, coffee, badam milk, multiple varieties of vegetable soups, protein milk powder. Snack item includes fresh fruits and different biscuits. They proudly claim to have provided over 20,000 cups of tea/coffee, 10000+ bowls of fresh fruits, 5000+ packets of biscuits (and still counting) to all the COVID patients and front-line warriors, hoping they would continue to reach major milestones in the future.

One can reach out to help this impeccable organization on this contact number: +91 8088888478 and can go see them in person with the following address: c/o Lakshmi Arcade, 2nd floor, Above Karur Vysya Bank, Beside Raghavendra Talkies, Ballari- 583101

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