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Hospet and Ballari to get automated driving testing tracks

In a significant stride towards modernizing driving assessments, the Karnataka Transport Department has unveiled plans to introduce automated driving testing tracks in key Regional Transport Offices (RTOs), including Hospet and Bellary. This expansion is part of a broader initiative to revolutionize the driver’s license testing process through the integration of advanced technology.

Under this initiative, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been forged between the Transport Department and the Karnataka Postal Circle to expedite the delivery of essential documents such as driver’s licenses (DLs) and registration certificates (RCs) via speed post. A centralized speed post account has been established in 67 RTOs across the state, enabling efficient delivery of DLs and RCs directly to individuals’ doorsteps.

This partnership is a crucial component of the ‘Book Now Pay Later’ framework, allowing individuals to access expedited services for DLs and RCs. The Karnataka Postal Circle will collect these documents from the designated RTOs, streamlining the reservation process and enabling individuals to monitor delivery progress through the postal portal.

The Transport Department’s proactive approach envisions issuing 5 lakh smart cards monthly from these 67 RTOs, significantly simplifying the document delivery process. Moreover, this collaboration aligns seamlessly with the state’s endeavor to provide efficient public services while leveraging the capabilities of modern technology.

Furthermore, the emphasis on automated driving testing tracks stands as a testament to the state’s commitment to embracing innovation. Presently, Karnataka already houses seven RTOs equipped with such advanced tracks, including locations like Jnanabharathi, Electronics City, Mysuru, Kalaburagi, Dharwad, Shivamogga, and Hassan. The imminent expansion will encompass 12 more RTOs, specifically including Hospet and Bellary, aiming to create a more sophisticated and accurate evaluation of drivers’ abilities.

The automated driving test track system has proven to be adept at assessing drivers’ skills objectively and efficiently. The forthcoming integration of these tracks into RTOs like Hospet and Bellary is poised to elevate the testing process, ensuring that drivers meet the required standards while embracing the benefits of cutting-edge technology. As the Transport Department continues to foster innovation, Karnataka is paving the way for a safer and technologically empowered driving culture.

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