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51 litres of liquor seized from a bus travelling from Goa to Hospet

Anmod authorities seized 51 liters of liquor from a a private bus traveling from Goa to Hospet. Krishna Parshuram, the driver, was apprehended and taken into custody by the excise officials.

Over the recent months, substantial quantities of Goa liquor have been confiscated at both Anmod and Ramnagar.

The liquor rules in Karnataka govern the production, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages within the state. Here are some key points regarding liquor regulations in Karnataka:

Legal Drinking Age: The legal drinking age in Karnataka is 21 years. It is illegal for anyone below this age to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages.

Licensed Establishments: Alcoholic beverages can only be sold in licensed establishments such as bars, restaurants, and liquor shops. These establishments must obtain the necessary permits and follow specific guidelines set by the government.

Prohibition Zones: Certain areas, such as educational institutions, places of worship, and public offices, are designated as “prohibition zones.” The sale and consumption of liquor are prohibited in these areas.

Drinking and Driving: It is strictly prohibited to drive under the influence of alcohol. Karnataka has stringent laws and penalties for drunk driving, including fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment.

Time Restrictions: The sale of alcohol is restricted during certain hours. Typically, liquor shops and bars are allowed to operate between specific timings defined by the government.

Dry Days: Karnataka observes “dry days” on religious and national holidays. On these days, the sale of alcohol is prohibited throughout the state.

Imported Liquor: Imported liquor can be legally sold in licensed establishments. However, the import and sale of illicit or counterfeit alcohol are strictly prohibited.

It’s important to note that liquor rules and regulations may be subject to change over time. It is advisable to refer to the latest government notifications and guidelines for accurate and up-to-date information on liquor rules in Karnataka.

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