In a recent development on the outskirts of Kampli town, an intriguing archaeological find has been reported – a 17th-century Mahasati statue hailing from the Vijayanagara Empire era. Unearthed during routine agricultural activities, this remarkable artifact portrays a woman wielding weapons, accompanied by another figure in a standing position.
The farmers, who made the chance discovery, clean the stone statue and promptly notified the relevant authorities. Subsequently, officials from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) visited the site to examine and secure the artifact. Sharanbasappa Kulkar, a respected researcher and historian, authenticated the find, describing the scene depicted on the statue as a celebration involving a woman and another individual, the former wielding weapons, albeit with one hand showing signs of damage.
To unveil further details about this historical gem, a carbon dating test is on the agenda. The outcome of this examination is anticipated to provide a more precise timeframe for this intriguing piece of Vijayanagara-era heritage.