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Court imposes ₹18.02 lakh fine on Ballari RO plant owner for electricity theft

The First Additional District and Sessions Court in Ballari has imposed a fine of ₹18,02,951 on an RO plant owner for stealing electricity by bypassing the power meter.

In case of non-payment, the court has also ordered three months of simple imprisonment.

According to Public Prosecutor Shekharappa, Amaresh Shastri, owner of Purnima Enterprises, illegally bypassed the energy meter to operate the RO plant in Elubenchi village, Ballari district.

The theft came to light during a routine patrol by the Gulbarga Electricity Company Limited (GESCOM) vigilance squad. Based on a complaint by Assistant Engineer K. Gadilingappa, a case was registered.

GESCOM Vigilance Squad Inspector R. Gayathri investigated the matter and filed a charge-sheet.

After reviewing the evidence, Judge Vidyadhar Shirahatti found the accused guilty under Section 135(1) of the Electricity Act 2003 and issued the order.

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